Bhavana Mutha Rph, BCMAS, BCMTMS, PDTM

" God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers" By Rudyard Kipling.


CC: AK, a 7-year-old girl, is a very picky eater and never open to trying new food choices. Due to a lack of interest in food, AK develops a habit of gobbling food without enjoying or complying with taste buds.

AK started losing weight due to depleted nutrients.


(-)Height 3 feet 2 inches[ below 50 percentile] , Low BMI and hemoglobin < 9mg/dL.


(-)Current Mental health status report -Anxiety before breakfast, lunch and dinner times, and anorexic episodes.

(-)AK had a low attention span and showed a decline in the school performance report.

(+)Increased episodes of agitation and restlessness with pacing around lunch and dinner times.


AK was diagnosed with malnutrition, anemia, anxiety, and anorexia.


Recommend techniques of motivational interviewing,  positive reinforcement, and appropriate food literacy with engaging activity at children’s level.

The Pharmacist's mom applies all her skillsets for the above issue. Motivational interviewing helps understand AK's food struggles; positive reinforcement helps AK gain the belief of developing interest in food and increasing adherence to change food routine and add variety to the platter to improve clinical outcomes.

The Pharmacist's mom gets creative by getting to AK's level of food literacy and involves an interactive mini cooking session with AK making food a fun element in her life. The Pharmacist's mom also applies to an art project with AK drawing a spinach leaf, and AK ends up loving spinach boosting her iron levels, appetite, and BMI.

AK and Pharmacist's mom finally end up in a robust collaborative practice.

As pharmacists, it is incredible that we can apply our creative talent with our patients and with our kids. AK reflects a problematic patient, and mom reflects the skilled Pharmacist with perseverance. These skills play a significant role in developing maths and science skills, developing health hygiene, teaching kids the art of reflective listening, and setting smart and achievable goals.

A pharmacist mom with her novel out-of-the-box thinking can be a trendsetter and a role model for her child to unleash their full potential. As the saying goes “Great is the Human who has not lost his childlike heart”!

Pharmacokinetics is what a body does to the drug, and pharmacodynamics is what a drug does to the body. In the parent-child relationship, the same analogy exists of how a mother becomes creative with the child and how the child, in return, boosts her productivity.  

Pharmacist moms are in a unique position. They have abundant knowledge about the essential elements of drugs and medicine; hence their minds are geared towards inventing new molecules and innovation within the world of life sciences. These same skills they learn as pharmacists, navigating through information and design, can be passed onto their children as they grow and develop. The worlds of pharmacy and motherhood collide time and time again, and the best of both worlds is what creates a pharmacist mom.

The science of pharmacy incredibly correlates to the art and science of parenting and it reflects in comparison of the pharmacist skill set with the parenting data sets below.

Overview of Parenting Data sets below reflect a concise parenting-based guide in conjunction with a pharmacist mindset. It sheds light on the core elements of successful parenting and creativity. The compendium dataset is beneficial for those who aspire to be role-model parents and facilitate better communication and collaboration between themselves and their children while simultaneously promoting a healthy parenting lifestyle with positive reinforcement.

Pharmacist Skill Set and Creative Parenting with Data Sets

1.Hands-on role and smart investments

Parenting is hands-on learning and teaching daily. It is an art of nurturing and growth of children, and one can argue one of the best investments made.

2. Art of communication

Getting creative to be valued and respected by your child could be so easily achieved by techniques used by health professionals -"Motivational Interviewing."

3. Life long learner with real-life CE's

Kids are like sponges and are capable of imbibing and absorbing knowledge and may surprise you with absorption, reflection, and application process. E.g., A child who observed their mom with attention for her beauty tips and routine and just surprised you back with their creativity.

4. Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Route, and Right time

Being creative is placing them on higher challenges as you mold a stone into a statue with just appropriate, enough & skilled application of toning.

5. Appease difficult patients

Every challenge that a child places on you is an indirect push for you to be more creative to cater to them (cooking a particular dish for your picky eaters)

As a mom, this is a default challenge where you will never give up.

6.Collaborative care teams

As we hear the saying - "Health is wealth," as Pharmacist Moms, we are in top position to keep the physical and mental health in check with our kids with a collaborative approach, which we already are rooted in our professional world of collaborative practice settings.

7.Trypanophobia (fear of needles) mastered with patience and training.

Learning to ride a bike is how this little child finds it intimidating with the sense of falling and hurting, and you reassure how a child can accomplish it soon with the technique of delicate balance and before you know that child is biking like a pro, and the same applies to the art of swimming.

8. Optimize clinical outcomes

Positive reinforcement that we apply as a skill set in parenting is another tool that our kids use when we give constructive feedback, and that exact skill set applies across patient care for optimal clinical endpoints.

9.Adverse drug reactions of social media on kids

 Engaging in Social media is a routine activity that every kid in today's era is fully engrossed in, and as moms, it is one of the biggest challenges we face. Screen time and parenteral controls are the tools we set for our younger minds, and active counseling to self-reflect and make wise choices.

10.Like Mother Like Child; It’s all in the genes/pharmacogenomics

As a Pharmacist, you are constantly engaged in reading, upskilling, and studying, and of course, that reflects positively on your children. Research suggests that this common activity (parent/child reading) contributed much to children's development and the quality of the child/parent relationship.

Case study Pharmacist Mom and Child.

Recommendation for professional development

As a pharmacist mom, one can teach children the balance and art of living as lifelong learners. As reflected in this quote, "Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself" by John Dewey. Your commitment to upgrade professional skill sets and to keep your licenses and certifications up-to-date. Children may often become a silent admirer who is watching you as a learner, which builds the foundation for them to be "Life Long Learner Attitude," as parenting is a zone where you are under constant observation of those inquisitive eyes. You set a goal to be the best at what you do, and you automatically challenge your kids to surpass your achievements. Being creative early on in parenting helps them create a mindset that will stay with them for the rest of their life beyond the places and situations where you may not exist in their life. If, as a reader, you introspect, you will smile at yourself, finding how many things you have learned, applied, and entertained in your life as a mother that comes from your mother.

"Practice makes a man perfect," an adage that holds the value where we can foster a growth mindset in our kids, allowing much room for growth and mistakes and learning and evolving. They might not be able to put that lego set together or sculpt or paint, but they will get better with-" practice."When we say in my practice that could be the hospital, Retail, or Community, I apply this skill or mindset, and we are focussing on the word "Practise" to our little ones daily.

Recommendation for Professional Engagement

Being Engaged is to Be Focused or, for that matter, Laser-focused on being modern parents juggling multiple facets simultaneously. A story that runs through my mind that I always recite to my children seems like a beacon of hope as kids today face enormous pressure, competition, expectations, and also thrive in Bully cultures. A child mocked and laughed upon by his classmates was ready to throw the towel and quit. The parents decided to have one last attempt to salvage the situation and set up a council meeting with the teacher whom the child admired very much.

The teacher said I would agree with you in quitting and giving up on the surroundings bothering him, but the child must do one small task before that. The child seems excited that he will free himself of the hardships after one job and decides to give all his "FOCUS."The teacher requested a glass of water full to the brim and asked the child to walk around the campus without spilling a droplet. The child thought it was a super easy task and excitedly geared towards the campus.

After a short while, he reports to the teacher that he completed the tasks and did not spill a single drop of water as he was ultra-focused on the water and did not notice his surroundings. The same mockery happened, but the child shifted the focus and accomplished the given set goal. As professionals, we engage in the right team to execute the best and set priorities on the tasks that need attention.

Thus we teach our kids to be their authentic selves as they grow. Creativity is a toolkit that gains the highest importance in our lives, sets us up for freedom, and teaches our children to thrive, learn, fail, and rise. All those creative experiments and assignments they have as a part of their learning will leave a digital footprint in their minds that will last as a forever "CODE" in their software system and will be able to process as and when needed in life. As we now reprocess the case of AK with pharmacist moms, it guides us on how creativity is a two-way process as" Relaxation creates Recreation," and both mom and child are engaged and relaxed, furthering their journey of life with beautiful happy moments.

The role-play between a mother and a child reflects unconditional love, and thus a child will always discover that place of complete freedom of being oneself with you and can remember the best version of themselves. Every child is on the path of being a leader of their best version, and they are under no obligation of being like someone.

This idea goes very well with the quote we see floating around everywhere-" God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers" By Rudyard Kipling.

Take-Home Promise is "A creative mom equals an ultra-creative child."

Pharmacist Moms and side jobs/Creative talent fostered professionally and personally.

Many Pharmacists today are female, and consensus shows that pharmacist moms balance their work and domestic environment many times. Thus, they seek a balance of being a perfect mother and a consummate professional by either maintaining part-time work and becoming creative by adding Side jobs as a source of extra income. It not only adds more financial stability but also keeps their creative sides turgid. Many moms are involved in being travel consultants, Health coaches, teaching, entrepreneurs, or skincare consulting, in naming a few. This example becomes a situation of lead by the standard for many teenagers as it reflects the multifaceted personality of their pharmacist mom.

To sum up, it just reflects how "Creativity is intelligence having fun"!


" The creative adult is a child who survived" By Ursula k Leguin.

"Unconditional is the only space in-universe that tags freedom along" By B Mutha.








Life-Long Learner


Via Mind

Daily at Bedtime

Stories recited at bedtime.

Wise Choices


Via Mind

Daily twice a day

PRN Time spent on social media.



Via Mind

Once every week

Train to ask “WHY QUESTION”



Via IM Inj

Prn Monthly

Use open-ended communication style

Essence of Life



Use 2 sprays daily as needed.

Click and create happy moments.

The chart reflects 60% of Pharmacist MoM effort and 40% collaborative creativity resulting in 100% satisfactory results of successful parenting.

Pharmacist Mom Supporter Checklist

  • Employers should reward hardworking and successful pharmacist moms with “A surprise parent Holiday” to bond with their family as an incentive to achieve work-life balance. ‘Charity begins at home,’ and a happy parent will be a content professional.

  • Engaging in connecting your children with your peer’s children would build strong collaboration amongst the children and create a professional but family-like structure, which is crucial to foster a long-term commitment to loyalty. Large families thrive on loyalty in relationships.

  • Pharmacist moms should engage in academic and scholastic projects nationally to develop an interest in the profession for young minds through practice-based learning and work-based learning projects for senior teenage students.

Additional Resources:

    Best Rated Apps




  1. Bright Parenting

  2. The Happy child parenting

  3. Family 5-Activities and Goals

  4. I said This, You Heard That.

  5. Wow Parenting

  1. Parenting, Parent Circle, Wake up! Parents.

  2. Practical Parenting

  3. Parents

  4. Working Mother

  5. Scholastic Parent & Child

  1. Fearless Parenting: Raising Godly Kids in an Ungodly World

  2. Raising a Screen-Smart Kid: Embrace the Good and Avoid the Bad in the Digital Age

  3. Mindful Parenting in a Chaotic World: Effective Strategies to Stay Centered at Home and On-The-Go Nicole Libin

  4. Grown and Flown: How to Support Your Teen, Stay Close as a Family, and Raise Independent Adults Lisa Endlich





1.Eanes, R. 5 Tips for Practicing Positive Parenting in 2020. Creative Child. Retrieved 09 29, 2020, from

2.Seden, J. (2008, April 6). Creative connections: parenting capacity, reading with children, and practitioner assessment and intervention. Child and family social work, 13(2), 133-143. Wiley online library. Retrieved 09 29, 2020, from

3.Why it’s More Important than Ever to Foster Creativity for Kids. (n.d.). Tinker Lab. Retrieved 9 29, 2020, from


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